Intensive Discipleship
Integrating Faith & Work
Impacting Lives

About Me

Bo Parker

From my graduate school days, I have been intrigued by the Theology of Work field. Work is where most people spend the majority of their time and energy, but many would admit that it is a struggle to experience the reality of God in their work. I want to be a part of changing that for people.
After over 20 years in pastoral ministry within a church, my desire is to use my gifts and experience to come alongside people and help them to grow in discipleship in their occupation out in the world.
I bring a deep desire to be faithful to Scripture and to understand how it informs and shapes our lives. My blog will give you a taste of how I do that.


One of the great difficulties we face is the pressure of the secular society in which we live. The very air we breathe teaches us that we are living in a universe in which God is inactive. Yet the Scripture teaches us that we live in a universe in which God is constantly at work.

Jerram Barrs

This quote highlights the challenge of attempting to integrate faith and work. The goal is to develop the ability to experience God in, and at, our places of work. Most Christians, even those who have an appreciation for the theology of work, struggle to engage their work lives with a real sense that God is present and active. So while I will give talks and teach classes, it is one on one discipleship that I believe will be the most fruitful, and likely necessary, aspect of this ministry.
If that type of engagement for your own life interests you, see here for more information.

Bo’s Blog

I am surprised that I am doing this. My initial reaction to blogs was to balk at the casual, not well thought out nature of blogging. It felt like someone was posting their private journal, with all its ramblings and half baked ideas, to the world. Why would someone do that? Get your thoughts more together before you present them for crying out loud.

But I am starting to look at blogging differently. And it has a lot to do with a growing awareness of how challenging it is to understand and present Biblical truth with all of its facets, depth and breadth. Maybe there is an important place for blogging in the pursuit of  theological understanding precisely because it is half baked ideas. 
There is something genuine and freeing with a medium that is about half baked ideas rather than well thought out and presented “truth”…..

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